Monday, February 1, 2010

The Worst EVER........

Dude at Potluck: Hi. My name is Richard.

Me: Hi. My name is Megan.

Richard: I think I have seen you before.

Me: Oh, well I come to these things a lot, so you may have seen me here.

Richard puts his finger to his mouth and looks off pensively.

I stand there thinking, "what an oddball."

Richard: I know where I have seen you before (and here it comes....the worst ever!!), on the cover of a book about angels.

Me: Awkward laugh.

Seriously, I wanted to vomit in my purse. What was he thinking?


Gage said...

okay seriously...that is the worst ever.

Miss M said...

What?! How were you not totally smitten? He probably worked long and hard to come up with a gem like that.