My friend, Mindy, started this super fun tradition of gathering together, around Oscar time and having our own version of the Academy Awards. I must say that our categories are way better, the people in attendance are way better looking (check out our awesome dresses!), and the Awards? Ain't nobody named Oscar in attendance. We laugh, maybe cry a little, munch on some goodies and have a splendid time! Here are some pics for this spectacular event
My red carpet walk!
Marie and Deb make a grand entrance.
Camille and Jack, a smashing couple! (uh, is Jack a little tipsy?)
Rob and Shelly goofing up for the cameras!
Mork and Mindy going Hollywood glam.
What? My submission for best creepy old person won? I am shocked!
Jodi and Carey presenting the next category.
Marie humbled by another win!(you like her, you really like her!)
Deb winning for "The worst guy rescuing a girl"scene.
I was so filled with emotion, as I spoke into my golden potato masher.
Deb proudly showing off her golden...what the?