Thursday, February 24, 2011

1. I moved into my own apartment all by my lonesome. I pretty much feel like an official adult.

2. I sometimes don't like being an adult. I actually have to go buy a vacuum and other not so fun stuff. Can't I just buy cute clothes and shoes all the time?

3. Seriously, go to the Sweet Tooth Fairy and get a cupcake. They are totally worth the calories and are heaven sent. I had the peanut butter and chocolate one. Yum! Yum! Next time, I am trying the German chocolate cuppie cake. I heart German Chocolate.

4. When your car fails its emissions, do you feel like you have failed too? I do. That's weird. I know.

5. I love sending people text by starting out with member. I think saying member instead of remember is pretty cool.

6. The cute girl I do respite for on Tuesdays told me that she would hold the door open for me when they bring my new couch in. Totally sweet.

7. Oh, and we are hanging out on Saturday and she said that she was going to do my dishes. Double sweetness.

8. I love my students!

9. I refer to my students (a lot) as cute or adorable. I'm sure some of them really hate it, but I don't care. It's totally true.

10. Yesterday, at Institute, my friend was chatting with a dude and he actually said, "Do you come here often?" Like it was a bar or something.

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