Friday, November 4, 2011

Ease on Down the Road

I received a text from the lil' sis and she told me that she was watching "The Wiz" It's an odd take on the Wizard of Oz,but for some reason, we LOVED it. Well, we had the fabulous idea....I'd like to think it was actually a genius idea, that we were going to perform "Ease on Down the Road" for our elementary school's talent show. Genius, right? Oh, it gets ever better. We were going to lead everyone out of the gym, into the field, and then....the best idea EVER....give all the kids candy. Oh, how we talked about the idea for weeks and would ever practice how it would all go down. So, did we actually do this or not? Nah! We were just kids and our ideas were usually much bigger than we could ever pull off, but the movie is still oddly great. The song is a classic and I will be really mad if a high school in the area, that is putting on The Wiz, steals our genius idea.

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