Friday, May 4, 2012

I once hated them, but now I like them. Go Figure!

Mama Kaye had a great desire to feed her children good, healthy foods.  Most of the things she fed her children, they ate up gladly.  They loved most fruits (yum!) and most veggies (yum yum!), but one thing that her children did not want to partake of was avocados.  They were green, mushy, and just downright nasty.  One day, Mama Kaye sliced these green monsters and put them on her children's plates.  She was delighted to feed the avocados to her beloved children because she herself was a fan.  She loved avocados and therefore, wanted her children to be, as well.  Well, they weren't.  On this day that she gave them avocados, she decided to run some errands.  Was this meant as a test?  Or was she really just silly?  Once these children heard the front door slam shut they made a pact with each other.  "If you don't ever tell we can throw the avocados over the fence and she will never know."  So they did.  And they were ever so pleased with themselves. And never told and never ate avocados.

Years have passed since that day and most likely these children have not ever eaten an avocado.  But, one of the children moved in with some roommates and they ate avocados all the time.  So, she decided that she would give them one more chance.  (this sounds a bit like green eggs and ham, but I did not eat them in a box or with a fox or with a mouse in a house....) She ate a bite with some vinegar and salt.  She let it settle on her tongue and you know what, she liked them!  And, since that day she has eaten them in a house and at school while feeling super cool. Ha!  So, the moral of the story is......avocados are yummy, but cottage cheese is still uber disgusting.  Amen.

1 comment:

Kellie & Cody said...

This is awesome! I have a similar story...when my Dad left to run errands...I would let the baby rabbits out of their cage and put them under the fence because I didn't want them to turn into stew. He didn't find out until I told him years later!! We are crafty family!