Thursday, September 20, 2012

Here's an alliteration...

A beautiful bee was buzzing on a bum.
So, while at the Farmer's Market with Miss M, a bee flew by and landed on this lady's bum. It took a nice ride for several minutes. I laughed. Marie laughed. And,then we took a picture. Maybe, the nice thing to do would have been to tap her on the shoulder and tell her that a bee was on her bum. But, I am not always that nice. And, it did eventually fly away. And, she didn't get stung. So, I am totally justified in letting the bee rest for a bit. Right??

1 comment:

Kellie & Cody said...

That is awesome!! And, you were spared having to explain why you were looking at her butt.....I'm so kidding! A bee would have stuck!