Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Joaquin...

I feel this letter is necessary. Remember when you were super cute and loved to act? I remember because I watched you like 1,000 times in "Walk the Line". I just couldn't get over how good were as Johnny Cash. My crush for you developed.

But, then you started on this whole, "Goodbye Hollywood" crap! "I'm leaving to start my RAP career". Come on, Joaquin, RAP! Seriously, dude. The last time I checked you are a white man and most white men can't in point, Brother Vanilla Ice. Let's just put all this crazy broohaha in the past, buy some soap, a good pair of clippers, deodarant, a nice suit and COME BACK TO US! We need you.

1 comment:

Miss M said...

Hahahahaha! I saw the scary picture of Joaquin this week and had this thought - why can't he afford to keep up on his hygiene? I so dislike it when cute fellas waste their cuteness.