Thursday, January 12, 2012

12 years

12 years ago, my mom passed away. I miss her.

So, I thought that I would share a funny story about her. (please forgive the totally adds to the story)

In my house, growing up, we had a rule: If you see a cat barf, you are the one to clean it up.
Well, I did and then I didn't. My step-dad had this old Siamese cat. She was mean and really only liked my mom. On Christmas Eve many many years ago, I saw this particular cat barf all over the basement floor. I am not going to lie, cleaning that stuff up is Nasty, so I wanted no part of it. I climbed the stairs to our kitchen, shut the door, and proceeded to forget about it. My siblings and I were frosting sugar cookies. My mom had a mason jar that she decided to put down in our fruit room. She heads down the stairs and a few moments later we hear, "Son of a Bitch I am sliding in shit!" Giggles were suppressed as we heard this sweet cry for help. We just continued on with the frosting. To this day, this story is a family favorite for a few reasons. A. it's funny when your mom yells out swear words. B. She wasn't sliding in poo, but barf....not sure which is worse. C. None of us did anything to help (as I recall). Hey, sugar cookies needed to be frosted! D. I don't think I have ever fessed up to her that I did see the barf culprit and walked on as if I hadn't. Poor Kaye, pretty sure when we all get to the other side she is going to be a tad bit upset for retelling this funny stories about her. But then, isn't that what kids are supposed to do? Parents embarrass their kids and when the parents get older, the kids return the favor by retelling funny stories. It all seems fair to me.

I LOVE YOU, MOM!! xoxoxo


Kellie & Cody said...

Love this story! And I remember this cat! I always thought it had the prettiest eyes and I always wanted to pet it! And your Mom would always might now want to pet that cat!

mcdowellfamilyfarm said...

I remember hearing this story from you and I still laugh when I think about it...thanks for sharing!