Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Grey Gardens

I love those little gems that I happen to stumble upon and wonder to myself, "Why in the world have I not seen this before?!" Grey Gardens is that gem. It is so bizarre and yet, I loved it. (What does that say about me? oh well) Grey Gardens is the story of Big and Little Edie...mother/daughter team. They are relatives to Jackie O. These ladies were once members of high society and then became recluses. Grey Gardens becomes dilapitated and unlivable, but they continue to live in it. They start housing all kinds of animals...cats and racoons. It is such a great film. I watched the movie with Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. They do Big and Little Edie spot on. I just got the actual documentary and I can't wait to watch it. I only wish that my mom hadn't died at such a young age. I think we could have become a good Big/Little Edie team. She could wear big hats and sing all day. I would wear head scarves and practice tap dancing. We would feed all the stray cats and other wild animals. I could finally live my dream of being an eccentric old broad. Hmmm...maybe, my sister will join me instead.

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