Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Funny Encounter.....

Scene: Leaving Liberty Park with a 10 year old boy in tow.

Man to boy: Is that your older sister or your mom looking that good?

Me: I'm not his mom.

Man: What color is that in your hair? Green? Blue?

Me: It's teal, so it's both blue and green :)

Man: Well, it looks really great with your high cheekbones.

Me: Thanks!

Man: No, thank you for being you and for blessing us with your presence

Me: (I just got in my car and didn't know how to respond)

Man: (As I am pulling out, faces me and bows.)

Just another day!


Kellie & Cody said...

Well...very flattering, and some how creepy at the same time? Unless he was super hot! j/k

Miss M said...

Thank you for sharing this. Nichole and I (at the office) just had a great laugh. Nichole says "High Five!" for being so awesome.