Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Something must be in the water....

Or maybe having strep this week has caused me to have such crazy dreams. Here was last nights. I was at a hotel with my two sisters. I was in the bedroom with them and I was getting ready to go babysit for one of my respite families. I opened the door, looked out and what is sitting there, but a huge LION!! What the heck? Why is a lion in my dream and what is this lion doing sitting in my hotel room? I quickly closed the door and said to my sisters, "I can't go out there. There is a lion out there." It wasn't growling or anything...just hanging out, as lions often do. I said to my sisters, "I am going to be late for babysitting!" But,then I remembered that it was a dream, so I willed my clock to turn back an hour. It's cool how you can do fun stuff like that in your dreams. I wish that were the case with reality. That is all I remember. I am sure my wonderful alarm woke me up before I found out if I got devoured by the lion or just walked on by all casually....and not looking like dinner!

And, another funny story. I got flipped off by some old dude. I guess he didn't like the way I was driving, but isn't that awesome?!!

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