Tuesday, February 16, 2010

weekend fun...

The top 10 list of why this past weekend was super duper fun:

10. A cowboy and indian snowman. A few of the girls started the snowman and our next door neighbors went all out to finish it. The cowboy had a lasso around the Indian. It was awesome!

9. Hanging out in a cabin overlooking the beautiful Bear Lake

8. eating lots of really delicious and bad for you kinds of food

7. a huge jetted tub

6. getting shushed by a lady in church

5. pink crepes for Sunday breakfast

4. laughing so hard

3. snowshoeing....it was so much fun! I laughed, I sang, I made snow angels and did somersaults

2. Chocolate Festival....aka Relief Society ladies and their crafts. I got some cute flowers for my hair.

1. Hanging out with some pretty fab ladies for valentine's day. I made several new friends. We laughed the whole time and just had an amazing time. I can't wait to go again!


mcdowellfamilyfarm said...

Oh I miss you...when are we going to hang out? Soon???

Miss M said...

My weekend was super duper fabulous for the same reasons as yours!

Hey, boss. I just pooped in my office.