Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cylce of Love

I love it when I plan to sleep in, but my body has other ideas, such was the case this morning. Seriously, saturday mornings are for sleeping in and not for waking up at 7:30 am. Geez! Well, because I couldn't convince myself to fall back asleep I decided to go to a spinning class at 8:30. The instructor is pretty great. He picks good music, he shouts out words of encouragement, and he makes my big behind work it at such an early hour. Rock on, brother! However, I think he has a new lady love and she sits right in front of me and faces the instructor. So cute! He looks at her with adoring eyes. Oh how they twinkle! Young/Old love (my instructor is getting up there in years and his lady love looks 30ish) is so cute. What I don't like and what makes my stomach churn a bit is when he says stuff like, "I will count to twelve unless "My Sweetness" distracts me, which is easy to do!" Blech. He calls her cute little pet names like, "my little kumquat." It's nice he has someone (everyone should), but I want a good work out and not a side show to a romance novel. Can I get an AMEN??