Saturday, December 20, 2008

So Good, So Good........

I love Neil Diamond! His concert was last night and my love for him is even stronger. I wish that he knew this and wouldn't find it creepy that a 33year old has a crush on him....okay, maybe the crush is more on his music than on him, but he is pretty darn terrific. Let me give you the low down on how great this concert was. I will give you the good, the bad, and the ugly! Yep, there was some ugly going on. First off, I love, love concerts. They are probably one of my most favorite things to do. I am an annoying concert goer. I scream until my throat hurts, I dance like a crazy lady, and I sing totally off key. Super fun! It's not just me, however, my sisters are in the mix, as well. Three crazies all going to a concert....sounds like a good time to me! So, we find our seats, sit down, and then I turn to the people behind me and say," We like to get pretty crazy, just so you know!" A nice forewarning of events to come. And, they will come! The old biddy behind me responds by saying, "As long as you don't stand up and get in my way!" I later found out that her husband added, "And not make too much noise!" Um....too much noise? At a concert? Never! Well, they have been warned. So, the lights dim and Brother Neil comes walking out. I go crazy. My sisters go crazy. The whole arena goes crazy, except for old Biddy and Mr. Old Biddy. They sit there like they are at a funeral. BORING!!! We are standing up and dancing. Oh the exhiliration! Then, Feather, gets a tap on her shoulder, she turns around and it's Old Biddy yelling at her, "Sit down!" "I paid money for these tickets, so sit down or I will have you thrown out!" Is that possible because I am pretty sure that it is not? She then grabs my shirt and yells (am I suppose to respect my elders when they don't respect me?),"Sit down! I paid for these seats." Sorry, folks, I am not a nice person! I yelled back, "So, did I and I want to dance!" She again mentions that she will call over an usher.....oooh scary! I stay standing for a while and then when Neil sings a few slower songs, I sit. I eventually switch seats with Bear, my 10 year old nephew. We indoctrinate the gospel of Neil pretty young! I can now dance and shake it all I want. Neil even told us the rules were.....THEY WERE NO RULES!! He said, "If you want to dance, you can dance!" At which point, I screamed and wanted to direct it at Old Biddy!

The concert was amazing. He played his greats like: Sweet Caroline, Cracklin' Rosie, Coming to America, I'm a Believer and on and on and on. Oh, it was heaven all wrapped up in a black shiny shirt. I had so much fun dancing and singing with my sisters and nephews. He finished off with "Coming to America" (which brought J.B and Bear to their feets and swaying) and "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show". It was an amazing time. I find myself now just a little Neil hungover, but oh so happy!

Also, a big shout out to the sweet old lady sitting behind us that told us,"It was such a pleasure having you sit in front of me!" "Boy, if I could move like you girls, I would." She was so nice and was appalled that someone would threaten to have us thrown out. She said, "Some people just don't know how to have fun!" Amen, sister, Amen!

Thanks, Neil for a super fab time! Please, please come back soon.

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