Monday, June 14, 2010

Grip of the Day!

I just have to whine and then I will be over it....hopefully!

My feet are hurting again. I think I have plantar fasciitis or something that is painful and sucks.

My back has been hurting for over a month now and I am living on ibuprofen, muscle relaxors, and Loratabs.

I haven't been to the gym in over a month because of previously stated issues and I feel like my butt and body are getting bigger by the day...okay, that is a slight exaggeration!


Yes, I do want some cheese (Swiss) with that whine


Yes, I do want you to call the wambulance


Yes, you can play me the world's smallest violin because I do know that others are suffering far worse than I am. I just want to complain about it.

There, I have whined and I am over it.



Jenny said...

oh gosh, you were in so much pain and just feeling sad and you still came to watch Ike....sorry Megan! I wish I would have known you were so miserable! Feel better soon.

Miss M said...

I have dispatched the wambulance. They are bringing the cheese and violin.

I'm so sorry you don't feel good. Complain all you want. Call Deb to come wait on you if you need. I'm happy to volunteer her services.