Friday, June 18, 2010

Week in Review....

1. I have been to two different doctors this week, one for my back and the other for my foot.
I am beginning to feel like an old person....a doctor for every ailment and a pill to go along with it.
I have so many pill bottles is pretty ridiculous.

2. I realized a little too late that my garments have a big hole in the bum (tmi!) and I prayed real hard that when my back doc needed to look at my back, the hole wouldn't show ( or he would have temporary blindness). Oh, how I prayed. I also prayed that he would be super old, but nope, he was about my age and kind of cute. Blast!

3. I have been meeting with my student's parents this week. One said to me (in her very broken English), "I like you Megan!" And then she gave me a big hug and got all teary eyed. It was really really sweet.

4. My new nickname at work (from the kiddos) is Megan Pac-Man. Don't ask me why, but I love it.

5. We went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. It was fun. I was exhausted at the end. The student I had, got on the bus and opened up the emergency exit about 4 times. Ugh.

6. I should be wearing my big black chunky ortho boot again. SHOULD! But, i don't wanna.

7. I had a dream that I was on my mission again. Is that a dream or a nightmare? Jury is still out on that!

8. I am loving the new 101.9. Where else can you hear The Crash Test Dummies? I mean, seriously?

9. I finally washed all the bird poop off my car. I swear my white car must look like a huge bullseye just waiting to be shot.

10. I was sitting outside for recess and I saw a milk carton flying in the sky. It made me laugh so hard. It just kept sailing by and going higher and higher. Really odd.

11. I think I have had chocolate every day this week and nope, I don't feel bad about it.

12. I am thinking that tomorrow will be my first visit to the Farmer's Market. I am pretty stoked about that. I am also going to go the chalk festival.

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