Friday, December 11, 2009

Facts and Fun things for Friday.....

1. I really love sleeping in!
2. I can't wait for my Christmas Break. It means sleeping in and reading!
3. The Modelquins at Old Navy really really creep me out! Really.
4. I went to visit a friend at work today and I might have had a little booger hanging out.
5. I had a dream that I was driving a group of people to some activity, but my car was like a total trash can inside with food all over the floor.
6. The holidays can be hard for me. It makes me really really miss my mom and dad.
7. My niece is taking after me. She is a total chatterbox, too! It must be genetic.
8. My nephew, Bear, is seriously so cute. I love his cute smile and his rectangle's an inside joke!
9. One of my students blurted out yesterday, "But what about the children?" I had to turn around, so he didn't see me laugh. Where do they come up with this stuff?
10. Another one of my students went to run out of the classroom and I said, "Oh, Santa only visits those kids that are sitting in their seats." He stopped mid run and turned back around and sat in his seat. I love it! I wish I could use that in March.
11. Stephens' Peanut Butter Cup hot chocolate = pure bliss in a cup.
12 I am going to the Mo Tab choir concert tonight. Natalie Cole is singing. That's pretty cool. I am also going with a boy. That's also pretty cool!
13. Tomorrow I am going to a Sound of Music sing along. I will be wearing my curtain dress. I can't wait!
14. I have really great friends.
15. The other day, I ate two Dunford donuts. I just couldn't help myself. They were so good, so good!
16. Neil Diamond's Christmas Album rocks my socks. Thanks to Heather.
17. I am currently getting my Christmas letter written. I think I am pretty dang funny!
18. I really love "GLEE" Why do we have to wait until April for it to return? That might just kill me.
19. I want Mika's new album. I love his voice.
20. What if we really did teach the world to sing in perfect harmony?


Felicia said...

I pretty much always laugh out loud when I read your blog! Good times.

mcdowellfamilyfarm said...

I will tell you if you ever have a booger hanging out of your make me laugh :)