Friday, July 23, 2010

Just a few things....

1. I am going to Lagoon tomorrow with my lil sis. I haven't been in years and I am looking forward to it. It brings back great memories of going with my dad. We would go on his work days, take the bus down (which was always an adventure) and stay the whole day. I loved it!

2. Flying grasshoppers hitting you while trying to eat delicious cheesecake is so not cool.

3.I made freezer jam. I felt like a good Mormon woman. Now, If I can just learn how to crochet around burp rags. Ah, who am I kidding? I don't really want to.

4. Advantages to wearing the big chunky ortho boot.....using the elevator at the temple! That's what!

5. Have you ever felt really lonely, even when with friends? I have been struggling with this a lot lately.

6. I wish there was a way to combine my love of reading with a really cool job. Working at Barnes and Nobles is not what I am going for.

7. I really miss dancing. I can't wait until my back and feet are all better so I can dance again.

8. I am totally loving Ray LaMontague (may have spelled it wrong). His voice is like butta!

9. I think I want to learn how to sew. Think of all the possibilities! I could sew my own costumes and such. Then I could make that u-knits (member those?) jumpsuit that I never got to make in 1987. Totally kidding!

10. I just discovered Sonic Chillers. De to the licious. Oh man.

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